press release
05/ 19/ 03 Atlanta Artist, Corey Barksdale Paints a Cow for Charity at the Atlanta Jazz Festival
Up-and-coming local Atlanta artist Cory Barksdale will create an original work of art on a cow in front at the Atlanta Jazz Festival Memorial Day weekend for the CowParade of Atlanta 2003.
Inspired by the musical entertainment at the Festival, Barksdale will transform a life-size fiberglass cow into a vibrant urban cityscape with lively dancing figures. With the Atlanta CowParade 2003, artists will decorate some 200 cows, which will be on display in heavily trafficked areas in the metro-Atlanta area summer of 2003. In the fall, the cows will be auctioned for charity, with proceeds benefiting the Southeast Region of the American Cancer
Photo Op:
Many collectors already enjoy Corey's art, but watching him create it live is an added pleasure, particulary when his "canvas" is as unusual as a full-size cow. Corey Barksdale will
be available for interviews during the Atlanta Jazz Festival hours on Sat., May 24th, Sun., May 25th, and Mon., May 26th. For other available times, please contact Karen Carter at the above phone.
* Atlanta Jazz Festival at Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA 30309
* Corey Barksdale will be painting at the 12th St. entrance to Piedmont Park, and will also have a booth at the Festival.
* Corey Barksdale art on display and available for purchase
* Memorial Day Weekend, Saturday May 24th - Monday May 26th
* Atlanta Jazz Festival Piedmont Park hours of operation
Atlanta artist, Corey Barksdale finds inspiration in the richness of his African-American heritage and in his love for the vibes of urban life, dynamic themes that he explores in his art. Whether working in his studio or live to the beat of music, Barksdale revels these artistic convictions, linking them with his celebration of human relationships. Among other items, Corey has been featured in Art Trends magazine and in Atlanta Performs. He designed the cover for Steppin' Out, an entertainment guide, and a CD cover for Commission.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, or to schedule an interview, please contact: Corey Barksdale @ 615-601-2787 or